Earn Extra Money

A Guide To Raising Extra Funds Quickly

Sometimes in life, we’re hit with an unexpected financial commitment. Perhaps the washing machine has broken. Or maybe you’d forgot about a relative’s upcoming birthday. The reason doesn’t matter. The important fact is that you need money. And you need it fast!

In an ideal world, you’d have some money tucked away for a rainy day such as this. However, that’s not always possible. Anyone who has ever found themselves in desperate need of cash will tell you how stressful it can be. But it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom.

Here are a few quick ideas to dig yourself out of the hole fast:


We all need a little cash injection from time to time, and taking out a loan is often the first thought that spring to mind. In many cases, it can be the best option too.

Personal loans shouldn’t be taken on a whim, but they can provide that lifeline you’ve been searching for. The key is to find a flexible plan, and ensure that you only agree to a debt you can settle.

As long as you can make the payments on time, this is probably the quickest and easiest way to solve your cash flow problems.

Sell Items

You might be short of money right now, but you probably aren’t short of assets. Another option to get your hands on quick cash is to release some of those valuable.

Using a pawnbroker is a great way to raise extra funds while still buying yourself time to decide whether you want to buy them back. Alternatively, you could sell unwanted items on eBay or other internet platforms.

Another man’s junk is another’s treasure. You’d be surprised at just how much money your unwanted goods could fetch.

Do Extra Jobs In Your Spare Time

Babysitting might feel a little demeaning if you’ve reached your adult years. However, there are plenty of other ways that you can make money by completing extra jobs.

Perhaps you could take on some garden landscaping work. Or maybe you could run the beer tent at a local music festival. There are plenty of opportunities out there; you’ve just got to find them.

The great thing about these extra jobs is that they are normally cash in hand. When you’re in need of fast cash, the importance of this factor cannot be emphasised enough. The lack of tax is a handy bonus too!

Ask For A Wage Advance

Desperate times call for desperate measures. One route that you may wish to take is asking your boss for an advance on your wages.

Making your financial issues common knowledge isn’t for everyone. Meanwhile, you should only ask with a suitable approach. However, most bosses will help the employees if they feel the gesture will be returned with hard work and commitment. Just don’t make a habit of using this method.

Alternatively, you could ask your bank for an increased overdraft. While you won’t want to use it on a regular basis, having it will provide a long-term safety net.

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