Book Reviews

Are You Living A Life Without Limits?

Life Without Limits: Inspiration For A Ridiculously Good Life by Nick Vujicic

I recently read a great book called Life Without Limit written by an amazing man named Nick Vujicic.  You may have already heard of him.  He’s the guy who was born without arms and legs yet he travels around the world inspiring others to make the most of their lives and to pursue their dreams.  He has spoken in front of audiences all over the globe both rich and poor.  And he practices what he preaches.

What is Nick’s secret?

Imagine all of the difficulties he has faced over his lifetime, and yet, he makes the most of what he does have, rather than allowing himself to play the victim.   His book has inspired me to do more with my life and to not take life quite so seriously.  Nick knows how to have fun and in fact he insists that we make sure to allow for some fun in our lives, too. Life is too short to be so serious.

Others will be drawn to you.

Throughout the book, Nick emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude.  He also says that if you are someone who is passionate about something, you will draw others to you like a magnet.   These folks that you attract will be instrumental in helping you to achieve your goals.  He tells many of his own personal stories as well as the stories of others he has met through his travels. And believe me, he knows a lot of inspiring people, many that you have probably already heard of.

We can live a ridiculously good life, too!

So why am I writing about this and including it on my personal finance blog?  Well, I think it’s important for all of us to realize that if we set goals and have a passion for life, we can be successful at whatever we put our minds to.  If we want to get ahead and live a fruitful life, we have to strip away all the limitations we have imposed on ourselves.  Heck, if Nick can thrive without all his appendages, what excuse do we have?

Our struggles can be our best teacher.

I love reading books about inspiring people.  There is nothing better, in my opinion, than hearing about people who have encountered almost insurmountable obstacles and yet have flourished in spite of, or perhaps, because of them.  According to Nick, it’s our struggles and difficulties that actually teach us the most about who we are and what we are capable of.

The reward of serving others.

Nick’s recipe for a ridiculously good life includes many ingredients, but I think the biggest thing for him is that he is able to love and accept himself and that he has a desire to serve others.  Instead of focusing on all the things he lacks, he focuses on what he can do to help others, and this has brought him great satisfaction and fulfillment.

Let’s apply some of these things to our own lives and shake off those unnecessary limitations we have imposed on ourselves.  The sky is the limit, right?  To learn more about Nick’s life and to read his full story, check out his book. You will love it.

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