
How To Avoid Huge Student Debts

The enormous costs of university, made worse by the rising costs of living, puts many people off furthering their education. However, there are several ways you can avoid student debt if you think further education is for you. Here are some of the best.

Choose Your Courses Wisely

Do your research and think about what it is you really want to do with your life. Don’t commit to longer courses, and higher fees, unnecessarily. For example, many people dream of becoming a physician, however a recent study showed many physicians actually recommend becoming a nurse practitioner instead. The careers of a nurse practitioner and doctor can be similar, and while being a physician pays more, it takes a lot longer to complete your training, and the working hours can be a lot more flexible for an NP. Do your research into the difference between nurse practitioner and doctor before you decide. This applies to many other career paths also.

Check Your Entitlements

Many students are eligible for scholarships, bursaries and grants. There is a huge range of financial assistance available to students, without having to turn to student loans. Make sure you check, and apply for anything you might get. Speak to the finance department of your school if you require any help.


Try not to commit to any long shifts, or stressful work, as this can harm your studies. But a part time job could take off a lot of pressure financially. It would be great if you could find something relating to your field of study, or even something you enjoy.

Make Money Online

The internet offers many ways to make extra money from the comfort of your home, even in your pyjamas if that’s what you want. Some great ways to make money online include:

  • Blogging is a great hobby, but you can also use it to make money through things like advertising or sponsored posts.
  • There are many companies online that will offer you up to $5 each to take a survey about their products and services.
  • Use the internet, and sites like eBay or Etsy, to sell either your old unwanted stuff, or crafts you have made.
  • There is a lot of work available for those with skills in writing or design. Sign up to a freelance site to get started.

Make Cutbacks

There are many cutbacks to be made in everyday life. Firstly, look at your outgoings. Could you save any more by switching your service providers? Or is there anything you could cancel completely? Then, look at your food shopping. Make meal plans and shopping lists and stick to them; this will save you a lot and reduce your food waste massively. Then look at making small changes. Walk to places instead of paying for transport, and have your friends over for an evening instead of going out.

Sensible planning can save you a fortune long term, and it doesn’t mean you need to miss out on all the fun college has to offer. Don’t let the thought of debt put you off furthering your education. Instead, plan to avoid it where you can, and remember, graduating with a higher education degree could see you gain a well-paid job upon graduation, and be well worth any expense.

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