
Job Hunting Tips

If you are currently in the process of looking for a job, you can test how proficient you are at job hunting by taking the quiz called “How Sharp Are Your Job Hunting Skills?”  found under the Career & Business section at this link.

Some job hunting tips to remember from this quiz include:

-Don’t rely exclusively on the Internet when seeking a job.  Many jobs are not advertised and can only be found through networking.  Ask around and proactively make connections.

-It’s okay to negotiate an entry-level salary.   Most employers have some wiggle room in how much they can offer, so don’t be afraid to ask.

-Keep your resume concise and attractive.  Include only what is pertinent for the position you are applying for and don’t make it too long.  Usually one page is enough if you have less than ten years of experience.

-Join online discussion groups, professional organizations, and use your college alumni association to build your network.

-Include your cover letter and resume in text format within your email in addition to including an attachment when applying for jobs via email.  By doing so you ensure that your resume gets looked at.  A lot of employers don’t bother to open attachments due to laziness or from fear of getting a virus.

-Don’t tell your current employer that you are seeking employment elsewhere.  Wait until you already have another job lined up.  Otherwise you may be mistreated at your current job or you may be replaced and find yourself unemployed.

-The average job hunt takes four months so don’t worry if you haven’t found anything yet.  Just don’t give up.

-Use key words in your resume that will attract a potential employer.  Get ideas from the job advertisement as well as from what you gather is important to the company based on the company’s website.

-Interview tips include remembering to smile, dressing conservatively, bringing extra copies of your resume, and talking respectfully of past employers.  Avoid asking the interviewer a lot of yes or no questions as it suggests that you are not really very interested in the company.

Keep these tips in mind as you continue your job hunt.  Make use of the many free resources available on the Internet to help you prepare both your resume and for your job interview.  All the best!

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