
5 Green Energy Tips That Save Homeowners Money

green energy tipsAs a homeowner in the 21st century, going green is really the only way to save money and reduce your carbon footprint. Taking a whole house approach to energy efficiency is the responsible way for homeowners to take steps to reduce global warming and to reduce deficiencies in the atmosphere. As more and more natural disasters devastate countries and cause widespread suffering, going green is a way to sleep soundly at night knowing that you are making a serious difference. When it comes down to it, going green isn’t that hard and your whole way of life doesn’t have to change. You can take small steps and still go green.

Here are five green energy tips that save homeowners money.

Air dry – don’t use the dryer. Anything that serves its function by drying is most likely going to be a big energy sucker. For instance, your clothes dryer in the laundry room or your dishwasher’s dryer setting. If you want to save money and energy, it is recommended to hang dry your clothing after a wash. When it comes to your dishes, you want to forgo the dryer setting and simply let your dishes air dry.

Take shorter showers. For every minute you knock off from your daily shower, you are essentially saving money and energy. Every time you turn on your shower, you are cranking up the water heater, which requires a lot of energy to heat up. So, instead of taking a 20 minute shower – try cutting it to ten. If you are feeling brave, you could cut it all the way down to 5 minutes. If you are having a hard time getting out of the shower, you could set up a waterproof timer that will let you know when enough is enough.

Re-insulate your attic. Re-insulating your attic is much easier than you think. All you need is a good weekend where you have nothing to do. First, you pick out the insulation you need and then you purchase a few materials you can use to tack the insulation into place. Insulating your attic will make your home more energy efficient, especially in the winter and summer when you blast your HVAC system. Moreover, re-insulating is affordable.

Seal leaks in your home. You may not know it, but there are a literal panoply of air leaks in your home. For instance, your windows and door frames may have large air leaks where the sealant and caulking has crumbled away. Also, your outlets and vents may also be a source of energy leakage. So, you want to take some caulking and seal all the leaks. Taking this measure will make your home vastly more efficient.

Program your thermostat. Programming your thermostat can save you a significant amount of money, because you won’t be blasting your heating or air conditioning system all day and night long. For instance, you probably want to run your heater in the morning and night to warm up your home during the more extreme times of the day. Programming your thermostat will save a tremendous amount of energy and it will reduce your carbon footprint.

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  • Reply Ruben Ford December 3, 2013 at 5:48 am

    This is especially true if you are washing or rinsing clothes. About 90% of the energy used in the process goes towards heating the water. So unless you are trying to kill all the germs on your clothes with boiling H2O, this could save you some cash and win you some green points.

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