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retirement planning


Common Mistakes To Avoid Before And After Retirement

Whether you are retiring in 30 years or are close to retiring, putting the right measures in place to ensure a stress-free retirement is important. Many people commit mistakes that make it harder to accomplish their retirement goals or to live comfortably after they stop working. In this article, we will look at some pitfalls to avoid for a comfortable retirement.

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Setting The Stage For A Comfortable Retirement: 3 Tips For Avoiding Poverty In Your Golden Years

Going broke in your golden years seems to be a common issue that can last a long time. Unfortunately, according to the Social Security Administration, more than half of all single people, and 20 percent of married people depend on their monthly SSA benefits for 90 percent of their income in retirement. If you’re worried about what your retirement might look like, you may still have time to do something about it.

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Five Ways To Ruin Your Chances For Retirement

Virtually everyone looks forward to retiring as early in life as possible. The idea is to have as many years as possible to enjoy the many things that had to be put off during the working years. However, far too many people don’t take the steps necessary to ensure they’ll have enough money to live comfortably after retiring. There are five distinct ways people can ruin their chances of retiring in comfort.

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Tips For Responding To Financial Instability In 2017

Most of us would agree that America has suffered from a pretty unstable financial market over the past few years and so far 2017 seems to be following suit. In a study undertaken by The Fund For Peace, a global index measuring national security and economic stability, the U.S. was ranked the 13th most worsened nation last year.

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Ways To Prevent Running Out Of Money During Retirement

It is a nightmare situation that no one ever wants to end up in. Running out of money during retirement can be a very stressful situation to be in as it often seems like there is no way out. However, if you do start to feel the pinch during your later years, there are some emergency steps you can take to help you turn your retirement into a more comfortable period of your life. Here are some things you can do in the event that you do start to run out of money.

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