Travel & Entertainment

Do Not Waste Your Eating Out Budget on Cafeteria Food

One way my husband and I save a lot of money on food each week is by preparing and bringing our own lunches to work rather than paying for cafeteria food.  What I usually do is make a big stir-fry, lasagna, pasta, or a big pot of soup or chili on the weekend and then I put portions into containers and freeze them so that they can be used for the week ahead.

In the past I just used leftovers from various meals I made throughout the week.  I found, however, that by doing so I often ended up having to cook twice in one evening because I seldom prepared enough to cover both our lunches plus our supper.  By preparing a lot of food on the weekend, if I don’t have enough leftovers I don’t have to cook a second time that evening. And if I do end up with some leftovers, all the better, I can still use them for our lunches the next day.

I must admit that we do sometimes get tired of eating the same thing for lunch every day that week, however I try to vary what I make so that we don’t end up eating the exact same thing for lunch for weeks on end.   Even though it may get redundant, I like to know that what I am eating is healthy and to know what ingredients are in it.  Too often I listen to people complain about the over-priced and less than delicious cafeteria food, and then I am more thankful than ever that I made my own lunch that day.

The neat thing about not spending your eating out budget on second grade cafeteria food is that by the end of the week you have saved enough by making your own lunches, that if you choose to, you can eat out at a really nice restaurant where you know the food is great.  Why waste your entertainment budget on anything less than the very best?

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