
10 Fascinating Reasons People Like Silver Coins

Investing in silver coins is an excellent way to keep your savings where they are supposed to be — safely tucked away. While the value of a paper dollar fluctuates, gold and silver coins remain somewhat stable, holding their value. More people are realizing the value in coins with the recent shortage during the pandemic.

Since COVID19, people have been buying silver coins like hotcakes and because of that, it’s easier than before to acquire them. But let’s go over reasons people like silver coins and why you should be buying these silver trinkets as well!

1. There’s an Abundance of Silver

Although silver is precious, there’s a lot of it in the world. People use silver to make jewelry, artwork, artifacts, coins and other artistic metals.

2. Collecting a Silver Coin Series

Sometimes we are attracted to a coin by the way it looks. Because of this, collectors look for the design in a series.

3. Silver Coins Have Decent Resale Value

If you have gold and silver coins, you have enough trading power to sustain an economic slump as the one the country just endured. Silver retains its value and buyers can’t lose.

4. Silver is Everywhere

Silver miners can find this metal on the surface of the earth. It’s in rocks and other places within the earth’s layers, but you may have some difficulty getting into places to lay your hands on it.

5. It’s a Keepsake

Some people keep crystals, gemstones, and diamonds as family keepsakes. Then some families pass on old silver coins. It could be a special token that represents a family holiday or religious ceremony. Whatever the sentiment, silver never loses it sentimental value and worth as a metal.

6. Silver is Flexible

There’s more to this metal than meets the eye. It can do more than what most people imagine. You can press it, stretch it, mold or weld it to almost any shape possible. Silver is also found in some electronics.

7. Make Money from a Hobby

More than before people are learning how to make money from their hobbies. They are passionate about what they are doing, so they love their jobs. You don’t have to spend a lot of time selling silver coins or silver items. Coin roll hunting is a hobby many don’t think about, but it’s one you won’t lose any money on. If you spend $20 on a roll of pennies, you still have $20 if you don’t find an old coin.

8. There’s Value in Silver Coins

If you bought a silver coin 50 years ago and it’s still in mint condition, it could be worth a lot more than the dollar value printed on the coin. Silver has been around for a very long time. In fact, it dates back to 700 BC, although the coin didn’t surface until 1970.

9. Commemorative Coins

Ever so often, the US Mint will release a coin in the interest of collector’s items. If you receive a funny looking coin as change back, don’t dismiss it as a useless coin and don’t clean it up! Do your research before you go making faces and putting the silver coins in a solution. It may be worth something to someone else.

10. Silver is Safe

This metal is safe to use around humans and pets. You can find silver in food, culinary and clinical settings, water bottles and in containers used for storing liquids such as milk, wine, and water. You can even find silver in your body. How special is that? It’s just another reason people like silver coins and it’s a darn good one, too.

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