Money Saving Tips

5 Simple Ways To Save Money In College

College is a new world. For most people, their parents pay for the things they need until (and often even after) they leave home for college. But once you’re out on your own, you can’t just ask mom or dad for a few bucks to grab lunch or to take a girl on a date.

That’s your responsibility now.

Luckily, there are tons of life hacks and tips to save money in college so that you do have a little extra cash to spend when you want to.

Walk Everywhere

If you can avoid it, don’t drive your car to classes or the grocery store or the movies. Walk or ride a bike everywhere that you can. Starting your car multiple times a day and only driving a few miles is not going to get you very good mileage for how much you are spending on gas. Save that money and spend it on other things that you want or need.

Use Coupons and Student Discounts

There are always tons of deals at just about every business in a college town. Pizza places always have online deals going on, and many restaurants and entertainment businesses (like theaters) offer student discounts. So take advantage of your student status and other coupons that you can find online and save a few bucks when you want to do something fun or eat out.

Don’t Buy Books on Campus

Don’t buy your textbooks from the university store. Most college towns have some kind of secondhand textbook store that will rent or sell the books your classes require at a much lower price. Find that store and do your shopping there if possible.

Also, something you might consider is waiting until after the first day of classes to buy your books. Find out from the professor which books you really need versus which ones might be optional.

Research Housing Options

Housing requirements are different for every university. For state universities, freshmen are usually required to live on campus, where upperclassmen can find cheaper rentals off campus. At other colleges, all students are required to find housing that is approved by the university. Find out which type of housing you need, and then research all of your options.

If you don’t have to live on campus or in an approved housing unit, finding an apartment rental in town with some friends could be a great way to save some money. If you do need to find approved student housing, make sure to look through all of the options available to find the best deals. Many housing complexes even offer deals if you sign contracts with them early enough or for more than one semester.

Find Cheap Entertainment

One of the biggest expenses in college is doing fun things with your friends – going to the movies, bowling, going to clubs, etc. But there are plenty of cheap entertainment options right within your college campus.

Most college campuses have student associations that put on different activities like concerts, plays, social clubs, dances, game nights, workshops, and so much more. You are bound to find something that you and your friends are interested if you just take action and see what activities your campus offers. You might even find that there are places on campus or in your housing complex where you can reserve (for free) a theater room or game room.

Food, housing, textbooks, entertainment, and transportation are generally the largest spending expenses for a college student (other than tuition). If you can find ways to cut back on some of that, or find alternative ways to provide those “necessities”, you’ll find that you can put a little more cash in your pocket.

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