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Financial Steps To Consider Before Marriage

Music lyrists would have us believe that ‘even though we ain’t got money, I’m so in love with you honey’ is enough to guarantee a fairy tale future. And while it’s also true that money can’t buy love, it sure can ease the finances in a relationship. But for most us, financial struggles are an accepted way of life.

Marriage doesn’t only join lives, but bank accounts and debt, as well as to bring people together that may have different views on finance and money management. So before you pop the question to commit to a lifetime together, there are questions that need to be answered and issues that need to be addressed. Here are some things you should do before saying “I do” to prevent financial disasters after marriage.

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Couples Without Kids Have Endless Opportunities

I know life doesn’t end after you have kids, but being married without kids has fewer responsibilities and does allow you to have a lot more freedom to do what you want with your money.

Also referred to as D.I.N.K.s, (Double Income No Kids), couples who don’t have children can freely choose to live their lives how they want, without worrying about providing for their children’s present and future.

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It Is Okay To Say No Sometimes

Some parents feel like they must give their children whatever they want, despite the cost.  They feel that if they say “no” to their kids, their children will feel unloved or neglected.  This is simply not the case.  Kids just want to be loved.  They don’t need all the fancy gizmos and gadgets.  They might think they do sometimes, but deep down they just want their parents to spend quality time with them and they want to feel accepted by them.

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Use Sesame Street To Teach Your Kids About Money

Sesame Street has a website that parents and educators can use to teach kids about money, making choices, and more.  Children learn about money by observing their parents and by following their example.  As a parent or educator you can guide your children’s understanding with easy activities about making choices, determining what is valuable, sharing, spending, saving, etc.  As a result of this education, your kids will grow up to make good financial decisions.  The process of learning should be fun and at their level.  Check out this link for ideas and activities:

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Do You Have A Will?

Recently my husband and I decided it was time for us to create a will and set up a
power of attorney.  We have been married now for about 6 years and we realized that if something happened to both of us at the same time, no one would really know what we would want done with our assets.

This realization prompted us to pay the $275 worth of lawyer fees to get everything set up.  If you don’t have a will, maybe it’s time you thought of setting one up.  Although it is somewhat uncomfortable thinking about a time when you won’t be on this earth, it is inevitable and we might as well just face that fact.

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