Travel & Entertainment

Free Ways To Relax During The COVID-19 Pandemic

This pandemic seems to have affected everyone in one way or another, and it’s still not over yet.  I think we could all do with some forms of relaxation during this incredibly stressful time.   I want to share some free ways I have found to relax, most especially during this difficult time.  I wanted to select free ways because I know a lot of us don’t have a lot of spare money kicking around right now due to job loss, etc.

YouTube Relaxing Music & Nature Channels

One way that I relax these days is by listening to soothing music.  One of my favorites is a video of a canola field in bloom with peaceful piano music playing in the background.  You can find the video by clicking here.  I just loop it so it keeps playing over and over again. I find it relaxes me a lot and I play it while I write and while I work.   I encourage you to check out various videos to see which ones work well for you.  There are so many great channels.

Read Good Books

Books can be like old friends, and sometimes it just takes reading a good book to help you relax (whether it be a long-time favorite or one you just picked up recently).  The key during these serious times is not to select something too deep or too serious, unless you think you can handle it.  Something light and funny is probably preferable during these uncertain times.  And don’t go out and buy books, pick them up at your local library, or pick one off of your dusty shelf.

Re-Watch Your DVD Collection

Chances are you still have some DVDs hanging around at your house.  Rather than paying for a subscription to Netflix, simply start going through your collection and watching some of your favorite films.  Again, picking lighthearted movies is likely the best option, depending on your personality.  Swap DVDs with friends if you run out of ones to watch at home.  Libraries often have a collection of DVDs that you can borrow for free, too, you just have to ask.

Go Outside

I find that just being in the great outdoors and getting some much needed fresh air can help me a lot when I need to relax.  Walk to your favorite park, go for a bike ride, stare at a blue sky, sit on your deck and enjoy the sunshine.  Try and get outside every day if you can, and take a few minutes to just soak in all the sounds and sights.

Chat With A Good Friend

Thanks to technology, even with social distancing restrictions, you can still enjoy a good chat with a friend.  Pick someone who always brightens your day and give them a call.  Talking to a friend can often give new perspective and can make the world seem better.

Everyone is so different and we all find different ways to relax.  Just know that there are ways to relax that don’t cost a cent.  I encourage you to be especially vigilant these days in ensuring that you find ways to relax.  Take one day at a time.  Stay well.


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