
Gender Neutral Trading Opportunities

Does gender really matter when trading on the global financial market? Is gender neutral trading possible? Does being born male or female have an impact on your ability to trade successfully on the stock markets? All of these, and more questions have never been more pertinent than they are now.

In the news

Gender equality is a prominent topic in the news at the moment with The Telegraph publishing an article entitled “Mapped: The best (and worst) countries for gender equality.” This led me to start pondering the realities of gender equality in the workplace. At this point, people are probably sighing and moving onto another article because this contentious issue has been flogged to death in many circles. However, the reality remains that there are still real gender inequality issues in many societies around the world.

What is gender equality in the workplace?

In a nutshell, gender equality is when both genders, male and female are treated equally. I like to think of it as gender neutrality in the workplace; ergo, your gender is not taken into account when applying for positions within a company, no matter how large or small.  However, this is not always the case.

Gender equality, or inequality, goes both ways. I know of men who are ridiculed because they choose to let their wives go out and pursue their careers while staying at home to care for the kids. These women are also often ridiculed in the workplace because of the incorrect perception that they “wear the pants of the house” and have harassed, henpecked husbands at home. On the other hand, working moms are often passed over for promotions because of the belief that they cannot cope with the pressures of the job and they should be at home looking after their families.

Exceptions to the norm

Before we go any further it must be noted that not all workplaces are like this. There are global companies who have made the effort to treat both men and women as equals in the workplace, taking pride in all their staff, and helping them develop, both personally and professionally.

Sometimes it is just easier to avoid these issues by working from home. This way both men and women will avoid workplace harassment because they do not fit into societal and workplace molds. However, the reality is that no matter where you work from, or what you do, you still need to earn a living.


Is it possible to earn a salary from home or do you have to enter formal employment to be able to support your family? To answer this question, there are many ways of becoming a successful entrepreneur and earning a decent income from home; however, I believe that one of the best ways is to sign up to become a binary options trader.

What are binary options and what is binary options trading?

According to Stern Options Review, binary options or “fixed return options, are considered to be exotic trading options, yet they are the most uncomplicated trading instruments in the online trading market today.” They are also the most misunderstood trading instruments in the market today. Let us try and unpack the essence of binary options trading in order to simplify it and clear up the misunderstandings.

There are several differences between binary options trading and other financial market trading methods. Contrary to other online trading methods, a binary options trader has to decide whether the price of an underlying asset is going to move up and down within a specified timeframe. The underlying asset is not purchased by the trader. This is the reason why binary options trading is so simple. There are only ever two options available and the trader has to choose one of the two options.

There are many articles written on the internet about everything from the basics of binary options trading to more advanced topics. I believe, and have experienced that it is possible to trade successfully on the global financial markets using binary options trading. Lastly, binary options trading is gender neutral. There is no specification that traders need to be of a specified gender in order to be successful traders; therefore, why don’t you consider binary options trading?

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