Travel & Entertainment

How To Throw The Best Summer BBQ Without Breaking The Bank

It’s that time of year again, the sun is shining, days are getting longer, weather is getting warmer and it’s time to bust out the BBQ. But remember that you don’t have to break the bank to have a nice BBQ party with your friends so we have put together a list of ideas to keep your barbecue in budget and throw the best party.

BYOB is your best friend

Next to the actual BBQ itself the most important thing to have at your party is booze. Not that you need to be drunk to have a good time but on a boiling day nothing will go down better than an ice cold tinnie of beer in the garden.

Now beer and cider is a relatively expensive commodity for your party, this is why BYOB is great for you. When you invite everyone over tell them to bring their own booze! Not only does this alleviate the cost of alcohol but everyone will have alcohol they like with them, so no awkward moment when your friend turns up to realize there is no beer they like. As an additional bonus from this, it’s likely that there will be a surplus of beer left at your house meaning you are already stocked up for your next party.

Make it memorable

 Just because you’re throwing this party on the cheap doesn’t mean people can’t have a great time! Mix things up by shoving some tunes on the speaker, maybe have a little fire going on somewhere in the garden.

Or you could go completely out there and maybe get a custom snapchat filter from Custom Filterz for your event so people can get photos at your party with a watermark to remind them of your party! Or maybe set a theme for the event, like fancy dress or maybe black tie.

Only buy the basics

 When it comes to BBQ’s meat is king! You can have anything from burgers to shish kebabs and ribs. But all this meat comes at a price, so the best thing to do is buy the basics. It’s very likely people will bring their own meat if they fancy something exotic so you will likely only need burgers, bacon, sausages and buns.

This way you don’t spend too much and you can still lay out a good meal, you can ask people to bring specific things in a potluck style meal with people bringing salads, other meats etc. this will give your barbecue a great variety of food available without you spending much money.

So all this should help you keep the lid on your BBQ’s budget while still throwing a great event! Remember the most important thing for your party is to have fun so above all else make sure you and your guests have a good time!

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