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Money Saving Tips

10 Ways To Boost Your Savings Account

ways to boost your savings accountToo often that good old savings account has more of a spending feel about it – a place where your money goes before being dispersed to the various expenses of life.  So how do you start building up your bank account to enjoy financial growth? Here are five ways to boost your savings account.

1) Tighten Your Belt
Whether it’s packing your own lunch for work, switching to a couple of no-name items at the supermarket or foregoing that shopping trip with friends, there is always room to tighten your belt a little.

2) The best place to start is by documenting your expenditures. Keep a little notepad on hand and note down exactly where your money goes each week. Chances are there are some non-essential items that can be shaved off the weekly ledger, and once you start putting that money aside a little can begin to go a long way.

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