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5 Ways For College Students To Build Credit

how to build credit as a college studentCollege is an exciting time for students like you all over the world. As you take your first major steps into the adult world, one thing that you’ll need to consider is how to start building financial independence. Building good credit now will be a great benefit to you in the years to come. Your college years are great times to start building credit, but you’ll need to be careful and responsible in order to reap the rewards.

Start By Piggybacking
It will be difficult for many students to obtain their first credit cards without a cosigner. One great way to get a head start on the credit game is to become authorized on a parent’s credit account. This is known as piggybacking, and it allows you to start building good credit by using your parent’s account. This will also allow your parents to monitor your spending and make sure that you’re not being too reckless in your habits.

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