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building wealth


10 Money Tips To Double Your Net Worth As Fast As Possible

Are you looking for practical tips to help you build wealth? If doubling your net worth is something you’d like to do, this article was written just for you!

Below I’ve listed my top 10 tips that will help you not only save more money, but make more money too! Combining both saving and making money is the key to doubling your net worth as fast as possible.

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The Five-Step Guide To Building Wealth

Contrary to popular belief earning more money is not the key to being wealthy. This belief comes from a common misconception about wealth, “you need tons of money to be considered wealthy.” In order to make sense of why this is not 100% true, one must first understand what wealth is.

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Ideal Investments For The New Age Millionaire

Becoming a millionaire these days is far easier than ever before. Now making a million dollars is not going to take you a lifetime;  Some people will even be able to make a million dollars in the span of just a few years. It is because of all the new investments that people are making that turn them into self-made millionaires.

So, what are some of the ideal investments for the new age millionaire? Great question because there are actually a few that you may not know much about. Being that you are probably excited to see what the future holds for you, let’s dive right into it.

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Book Reviews

What Can I Do About Inflation? Read Building Wealth With Silver To Find Out

Building Wealth With Silver: How to Profit from The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History by Thomas Herold

I just finished reading Thomas Herold’s book entitled Building Wealth with Silver and it really brings to light what is happening today in the world’s economy. It is frightful, but Herold emphasizes that the key is to be prepared for what is to come by educating yourself.

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Book Reviews

How To Become An Automatic Millionaire

The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan To Live And Finish Rich by David Bach

If you want to become a millionaire without ever having to create a budget, be disciplined or live extremely frugally, I would recommend that you read Davd Bach’s book entitled The Automatic Millionaire.  In his book, the author suggests that anyone, regardless of their income, can become a millionaire in their lifetime.

You may be wondering how this could be.  Well, Bach suggests that you set everything up automatically and then you are free to just live.  For example, set up automatic contributions into your retirement savings account and your emergency fund savings account.  Set up automatic biweekly payments into your mortgage, and so on.

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