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Choosing A Wireless Card Reader For Your POS System

wireless card readerWireless billing systems are here to stay. Vendors like Shopify are now offering innovative but miniature credit card terminals. These terminals can be plugged into tablets or smartphones to process payments and they are turning out to be quite popular.

Unfortunately, retailers have yet to be convinced to invest in these systems, says Transfirst. They were already using traditional credit card readers to process payments. They had also paid a substantial amount of money to the vendor and the bank, and they were not willing to shift over to wireless terminals so suddenly. Moreover, the general idea was to wait and watch as technology usually changed quickly. Retailers thought that wireless systems would not be useful. There was also a chance these wireless POS system would not gain popularity with customers and it would be a useless investment.

This Perception Is Not True.

Wireless systems are the next step in POS evolution. According to Mobile-Financial, more than 40 percent of small business owners have already shifted over to miniaturized credit card readers. The reasoning for this was simple. Small business owners could not afford traditional POS systems. These systems cost anywhere from $10,000 to about $15,000 or more. They could not afford to pay the rental charges for traditional credit card readers as well. As a result, they usually turned away customers who proffered credit cards. This was particularly true for business owners who did not have brick-and-mortar stores. The newer tablet-based wireless POS systems could be operated through a smartphone or a tablet and they were very easy to use. Customers could collect payments from anywhere and they have now become an accepted method of collecting payments-on-the-go from customers.

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Simple Business Ideas For Stay At Home Moms

stay at home moms can have businesses tooAs a stay at home mother, there are many things that you can do, but not all will actually make money. The truth is that stay at home moms have an advantage because they are already at home. Just think, if you are already at home and you are not required to make money, then you will be much more likely to succeed in the end.

Something that a lot of stay at home mothers don’t realize is that there are many simple business ideas that you can use. Below are some of those ideas, but know that there are many more out there.

Simple Business Ideas For Mothers

Home Cooked Meals – Have you ever heard of a company called, “Meals On Wheels”? This company got their start by making good ol’ home cooked meals and then taking them to people who would want them. This is similar to any other restaurant delivery service, except the price is cheaper and you get better food. The nice thing about this is that you can start with friends and family first and then expand from there.

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The Financial Benefits Of Having A Virtual Office

work from anywhere Technology has created many new and interesting opportunities for business owners, and one of those opportunities is the virtual office. Old fashioned ways of doing business are slowly but surely being edged out by new developments such as this. With the aid of high speed networking, several professionals can now collaborate on projects remotely, effectively eliminating the need to gather in a single office space. This arrangement can be very beneficial to businesses, especially from a financial perspective.

No Leasing Expenses
Office space can be very expensive. One of the most common problems for start-ups and small businesses is finding a way to finance expenses like this. By opting for a virtual office, you can eliminate the need for a brick-and-mortar office space entirely. Work can be done remotely from anywhere you like. Run your business from a home office, a local coffee shop, or anywhere you like–technology has made this possible for the first time in history. Take advantage of this exciting development and eliminate your leasing expenses.

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Earn Extra Money

How To Make Money Doing Computer Cleanups

Did you know that you can make money doing computer cleanups? This is a very lucrative business because the majority of people who own computers don’t know much about them, and most do not know how to do a cleanup correctly. A lot of computer owners think that their computer cleans itself, but, unfortunately, that is just not the case.

The best way to make money doing small computer cleanups is to start off with basic software that cleans the computer and then runs the already installed Windows software. Usually, this will take you about an hour to do and in that time you can easily make $50. This is not very hard work either; all you need to do is find the clients that you will do this for.

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