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8 Ways to Boost Your Credit Score

Maintaining a high credit score is important if you are planning to use debt to purchase a home or vehicle. boost your credit scoreThe higher your score, the better your interest rate will be which will result in significant savings. Below are some tips to follow if you want to boost your credit score.

1. Avoid using a P.O. Box because it makes credit bureaus think that you either lost your home or that you are the victim of identity theft.

2. Shred your financial statements or anything that contains any of your financial information to prevent thieves from stealing your identity.

3. Pay all of your bills on time. If you are late on one vehicle loan or credit card payment your other lenders may jack up your interest rates.

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Credit Cards

Credit Card Tips

Choosing the Best Credit Card for You

Choose a card that gives you rewards every time you use it. Depending on your interests and goals there are a wide variety of rewards cards to choose from. Some financial institutions offer credit cards that pay out dividends based on the amount of money you spend. Don’t be afraid to shop around until you find the credit card that best suits your needs. Usually credit card companies offer bonus rewards for signing up. Note that you can usually get a rewards card without an annual fee so there is no need to pay to use your credit card. Also, be sure to take advantage of the in-store credit card offers that give you immediate discounts on your purchases. Make sure to pay off the balances before you owe any interest. Even if you never use the card again, it has saved you some money.

Once you have found the credit card that works for you, you need to know how to use it wisely and how to protect yourself from fraud. I have provided you with some tips below.

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