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4 Things You Should Know About Bitcoins

While the financial world is anything but predictable, few innovations hail such a change as bitcoins. Only entering public consciousness in 2008, the bitcoin is a relatively recent discovery, and as such, its full impact on the way we think about currency is yet to develop.

As with any major shift, many are keen to capitalize on the opportunities this new form of digital currency could offer. But before this can happen, there are 4 things you should know about bitcoins.

Who Invented the Bitcoin?

The identity of the bitcoin’s inventor is still a matter of some interest. The shadowy figure named Satoshi Nakamoto has never appeared or been photographed by the press, and was claimed, in 2016, to be an alias for Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright. Initially convincing, Wright’s story eventually crumbled under scrutiny, and while he maintains his claim, the larger bitcoin community has deduced his proof inadequate.

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