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5 Inexpensive Dating Ideas

Dating doesn’t have to be expensive to be fun!  When my husband and I5 inexpensive dating ideas were dating we didn’t have a lot of money to spend – so we didn’t do the traditional dinner and a movie very often.  Instead, we got creative, and had fun, meaningful moments doing more simple things:

1. We often went to different city parks and had a barbecue or a picnic.  Sometimes we just spent time walking the trails or riding our bikes.

2.  We had our own special walking route that we would take frequently, and sometimes after we would walk for a while we would just sit on a bench and stare at the sky.  At night we would sit and talk and gaze at the stars.

3.  When we did watch movies, we would wait to see them until they came to the cheap theater where the cost of tickets is about a third of the price of the regular movie theaters.  Instead of eating out, we would often cook together, making interesting dishes and just enjoy each other’s company.

4.  We had a lot of fun taking silly pictures of each other wherever we went.   We didn’t have to go anywhere special, but we found that taking pictures is entertaining no matter where you are.

5.  Sometimes we would go for a drive outside of the city and go hiking and exploring wherever we ended up.  That was always a lot of fun.  We still do that once in a while.  It’s always nice to get out of the city.

The most interesting and fun part about dating is getting to know one another.  Whether or not you spend a lot of money is up to you, but it really isn’t necessary to have a good time and create great memories.