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debt help


Debt Help-5 Ways to Attain Financial Freedom

If you want to attain financial stability, it does not happen overnight. Sooner you start the process of getting out of debt, the better it is. It will not only help your credit score to improve over time but your chances of getting credit in future also gets multiplied. With the increase in the number of credit card holders, debt help programs have gained wide popularity. Some of the popular debt solutions are given below.

1. Debt settlement

Debt settlement (debt negotiation) is the process in which you are allowed to pay less as compared to what you actually owe. There are several debt settlement companies helping debtors with their debt problems. These companies usually charge upfront fees for helping you out. They work for you and negotiate with the creditors or the collection agencies to allow you to pay less. You do not make payments to the creditors and pay the same amount to a trust account. When approximately 50% of the outstanding balance has been accumulated, the settlement company pays the money to the creditors. Approximately 40% to 60% of the outstanding debt can be reduced.


2. Debt consolidation

In debt consolidation, you compile all your debts together into one account. Debt consolidation companies will help you to negotiate with the lenders and the collection agencies. Debt consolidation has many benefits.

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