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Give Away The Things You Never Use

Every once in a while I go through my drawers and my closet and remove items of clothing that I either never wear or am highly unlikely to ever wear again.  Sometimes I find it hard to part with my things, even though I know I never use them, however, I find that “decluttering” is a great way to make better use of my closet and drawer space, as well as a neat way to help others in need.  And yes, I just made up my own word.  I think the English language needs a word like “decluttering”.

Once I have rounded up all the items of clothing, and possibly some shoes, etc.  I drop them off at a local thrift store.  Someone else might as well make use of them.  This also goes for other miscellaneous items around our house.  About every six months or so we get the urge to do some “Spring cleaning”, and you would be surprised at how many things we discover we have that were hidden away and never used.

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