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electric toothbrush

Health & Beauty

Use an Electric Toothbrush – Lower Your Dentist Bills!

use an electric toothbrushWant to save on dentist bills by keeping your teeth healthy?  Use an electric toothbrush!  If you hate going to the dentist as much as I do, you will consider it.  I recently started to use one and I can really feel the difference.  After I brush, my teeth feel extremely clean.  It took me a while to be convinced.  After a recent visit to the dentist and a “small procedure”, I was willing to try anything!  My husband has been using one for over a year now and he bought me one but I stubbornly continued to use the old-fashioned kind, until now!

Electric toothbrushes cost from $20 to $30 and the replaceable tops can add up.  I recommend buying the toothbrush tops bulk at Costco or at another wholesale store because they are a lot cheaper than if you buy them in small quantities at drug stores.  All in all, I consider electric toothbrushes to be a small investment in promoting good health that can save you tons of money in the long run.  

Although there is some controversy over whether or not electric toothbrushes really do work better than manual ones, a review of 21 studies over the past 37 years found less dental plaque and gum disease in people who used electric toothbrushes. 

I use Oral-B Vitality and it has a built in timer that lets me know when I’ve brushed for 2 minutes.   I prefer the small circular brush heads over the larger, more bulky ones.  I find they work better for me. Don’t be stubborn like me and refuse to try one out.  Although they may seem expensive at first, you will likely end up spending less on dentist bills so the investment is well worth it.