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energy saving tips


Tips For Saving Energy & Money Around The House

If your energy bills continue to skyrocket each month, consider implementing a few of these ideas to help you keep costs down.

 Adjust Your Clothing

 Check the weather each evening and make sure you dress appropriately for the temperature. For example, if it is forecasted to be chilly, layer two shirts on top of each other and put on a pair of warm socks. If you can keep yourself warm with your clothing, you can adjust your thermostat to keep it cooler inside.

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The Perfect Spots In The Kitchen To Lighten Up With LED Lights

The light emitting diodes or LEDs are your buddies if you want a well-lit home without spiking up your utility bills. Compared to an incandescent bulb, LEDs use about 25%-80% less energy and can last up to 25 times longer. Therefore, switching to an energy-efficient light bulb like LEDs may help you save $75 annually. That’s the main reason why a lot of homeowners prefer using LEDs as artificial light in the house.

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