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engineering degree


5 Unusual Jobs You Can Get With An Engineering Degree

While most engineering students enter the field out of passion, most people who see the profession from a distance might see it as rigid and even boring in some cases. However, the field of engineering is infinitely vast and offers job prospects beyond the imagination. One just needs to think outside the box to see tons of non traditional applications to the job of engineer. In this article, we’re going to show you five fun and exciting careers you can pursue with an engineering degree.

Race Car Engineer

The job of a race car engineer is to tweak the performance of race cars by making physical and mechanical adjustments on the car. Their job will consist of everything from running real live simulations and analyzing data to supervising mechanical teams and serving as a right hand man to the pilot. The racing car engineer will also take recommendations from the pilot to make changes if necessary. This particular field demands good communication skills in addition to natural mathematical and imaging skills.

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