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Earn Extra Money

A Guide To Raising Extra Funds Quickly

Sometimes in life, we’re hit with an unexpected financial commitment. Perhaps the washing machine has broken. Or maybe you’d forgot about a relative’s upcoming birthday. The reason doesn’t matter. The important fact is that you need money. And you need it fast!

In an ideal world, you’d have some money tucked away for a rainy day such as this. However, that’s not always possible. Anyone who has ever found themselves in desperate need of cash will tell you how stressful it can be. But it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom.

Here are a few quick ideas to dig yourself out of the hole fast:


We all need a little cash injection from time to time, and taking out a loan is often the first thought that spring to mind. In many cases, it can be the best option too.

Personal loans shouldn’t be taken on a whim, but they can provide that lifeline you’ve been searching for. The key is to find a flexible plan, and ensure that you only agree to a debt you can settle.

As long as you can make the payments on time, this is probably the quickest and easiest way to solve your cash flow problems.

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Earn Extra Money

Make Extra Cash With Your Local Pawn Shop

how to make money through a pawn shopDid you know that you can make money off of your local pawn shops? A lot of people know how a pawn shop works; however, they don’t realize just how much money they can make themselves. The key here is to find items that your local pawn shop needs and then sell them to the pawn shop owner for a profit. I know it sounds like a lot of work but the truth is that it is not.

There are many ways to get items to sell to your local pawn shop and the short list below will give you a few ideas. Just be aware that every pawn shop is different and because of this you must think about what each one wants and needs as opposed to all of them as a whole.

Where To Find Quality Items

Ebay – Everybody knows about Ebay and what you need to understand is that you can make a lot of money as long as you buy the right items. Most people spend their time looking for single items, but what you need to do is buy the items in bulk. This will give you the quantity that you need in order to really bargain with the pawn brokers in your area.

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Earn Extra Money

5 Tips on Creating A Passive Income

tips for creating passive incomeHave you ever wanted to create a passive income for yourself? You know, the kind of income where once you do the work to get it going, you can sit back and watch the money flow in.  Authors of books enjoy passive income.   Once they go through the grueling task of writing a great book and finding a publisher, they can finally reap the rewards year after year, but they only have to write the book once.

Other examples of a passive income include making money from YouTube views, commissions from affiliate marketing  on your website or blog, and even E-book sales. All of these are great passive income sources and can create so much money for you that you don’t have to work as hard in the future. Think about it, how much would a passive income help you out?

In order to give you a little help I have created 5 tips to get you on your way. These 5 tips will help you create a passive income that you can leave alone and still make money off of.

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Earn Extra Money

Selling Your Old Books? How To Get The Most Money

sell your old books to make extra moneyAll of us have times in our lives when we need to make some quick cash, but we’re not really sure how to do it. Interestingly enough, the one option that many of us overlook is selling some of the items in our house (or office or dorm room) that we no longer use; items like our old books, for instance.

Although thanks to the progression of technology (which brought us things like e-books, Kindles and Nooks), hardback and paperback books are not as much in high demand as they used to be. However, as long as there are people around who love to read, there will always be individuals who still enjoy reading (dare we say it?) the old-fashioned way. So, if you have some old books and you’d like to earn some money from them, we have five tips on how you can get the most money for them below:

Examine your books thoroughly. Like most used things that are put on the market, people don’t want a book that is extremely worn. When it comes to books specifically, this would mean ones that are marked up, highlighted or with pages that are crumpled, ripped or torn out. So, make sure that whatever books you want to sell that you inspect them to make sure they are as “like new” as possible.

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Earn Extra Money

How To Cash In On Others Scrap Metal

I know you are probably wondering why anybody would want to use scrap metal as their way of life and that is why I am writing this. Most people just assume that the junk they have around their house is worthless, however, that is not the case. If you take all the scrap metal that you have in and around your home you will start to see it all add up. Now, I am not saying that you need to hurry and clean around your house but what you should do it cash in on other people’s scrap metal instead.

Most people have junk just lying around their house, so if you can talk them into paying you a small amount to take the scrap metal out of there, then you can make a good amount of money. The reason I tell you that you need to ask people to pay you a small fee is so that they don’t realize what they are giving away. I know that most people won’t bother taking their scrap metal to a recycling company but you don’t want them waiting around and thinking about it since this is how you will make money. Below you will see some of the best thing to get that will yield a lot of scrap metal and make you a lot of money.

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