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financial institutions


Five Tips On Getting The Most Out Of Your Bank Account

There are a lot of financial institutions out there that can provide you with bank account services, however, regardless of the bank you choose to do business with, there are five key things you can do to make the most of your banking experience.

1.  Keep only the minimal amount required in your checking account.  Most banks pay little or no interest on balances kept in checking accounts, so every time you get paid, keep only a minimal amount of money in your checking account, and put the rest into savings.  That way you can earn some interest on your money and make it work for you.

2.  Learn how you can bank for free. Most financial institutions provide a way for you to do your banking for free either by maintaining a minimum balance or by only doing a certain number of transactions.  Most banks also provide free banking to seniors and students.  It is well worth your while to give your bank a call and find out how you can bank for free.

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