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5 Tips For Fixing Bad Credit And Raising Your Score

fixing your credit scoreWhether you’re looking to buy a house, a car or even a smartphone, there are three things that you’re going to need to have: a solid job, a steady income and a good credit score. Yet unfortunately, while there are a lot of individuals who have the first two things, sometimes they are still not able to purchase what they desire due to the fact that their credit is less than impressive.

If you can relate to being in this kind of a situation and you’d like a few tips on things that you can do that will help you to improve your credit score within a matter of weeks, here are five tips that can get you to where you want to be, and soon.

Check your credit reports for errors. If you can’t remember the last time that you looked at your credit reports, it’s definitely been too long. So take the time out to go to a website like Annual Credit Report so that you can view them for free. As you’re in the process of reviewing the reports from Experian, Equifax and TransUnion, look carefully for any errors. If you happen to see an account that you don’t recognize or a charge off that you don’t recall, contact the credit bureau that listed it in order to dispute the potential error. You can learn how to properly dispute errors on your credit reports by going to and put “disputing errors on credit reports” in the search field.

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