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forex trading


Four Alluring Forex Bonuses

A forex bonus is free money that a forex broker gives you to trade using its trading platform. The only string attached is that you can’t take out the amount unless you trade a certain amount of positions. There are a number of forex bonuses and not every bonus is the same. They vary in size, type and bonus clearing requirements.  And obviously each of them has its own pros and cons depending on the amount of your trading capital, trading strategy and trading experience.

There are usually four types of forex bonuses featured by different forex brokers –

    1. Forex pending bonus
    2. Forex no deposit bonus
    3. Forex instant bonus
    4. Forex reload bonus

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Get A Stable Income From The Comfort Of Your Home By Online Trading

Looking for a way to improve your account balance? It’s not always easy, no doubt about that. Many things often get in the way – your job, your family and your home need to come first and after that you simply don’t have time to go around looking for opportunities to earn a bit extra on the side. Today’s world is just too hectic for that. However, there are various forms of online trading that can help you. The beauty of this type of trading is that you can trade from home or even from your mobile device, so there is no need to spend a lot of time on it. Let’s see which opportunities can be found online and accessed from the comfort of your own home.

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The Most Common Forex Trading Mistakes That Can Cost You Dearly

When we enter into the domain of Forex trading, we will enter a learning curve until we understand the intricacies and the finer points of trading. Even after learning the basics, everyday will still be a learning process. Now with that being the case, all the traders are bound to make mistakes, at least in the early stages.

In this post, we shall look at some of the most common mistakes committed by traders. This information will help you in avoiding setbacks and losses as a trader.


This is one of the main reasons why many traders self-destruct. Although learning the basics is important, it is equally important for you to understand when to enter into a trade, and when not to.

Trading can be addictive, which is why you might not notice it when you are overdoing it. Therefore, it is very important for you to plan your trades carefully, and make a point to stick to your plans.

You might be tempted to make irrational decisions and start trading, even when the conditions are not favorable according to your training strategy. It is a very risky thing to do, and in most cases, it will simply lead to losses that could have been avoided.

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Choosing The Right Forex Trading Platform

One of the major steps towards achieving success in Forex is to choose the right trading platform. Now there are several trading platforms available and the choice might as well leave you thoroughly confused. However, there are several steps involved in finding the right trading platform as well. Read on to find out more in this regard.

Prepare a list of the names of the leading trading platforms

This is absolutely important! Now, a casual internet search will help you find several forex trading platforms including Meta Trader platform, ctrader platform and many more. To start off with, you can participate in the forums dedicated to forex traders. Check out which forex trading platforms are endorsed by experts and why. It might all seem very difficult at the beginning– to make head and tail of everything. Don’t be stressed. Just shortlist the names and follow the next steps mentioned below.

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4 Ways You Can Invest Your Money And Make A Profit

ways to invest your moneyIt doesn’t matter how old you are or at what stage in life you are at, it is always sensible to think about investing money. But, quite often we find the interest rates are not what they used to be. You can lock your money in a high-interest account for years and if the economy changes as it often has, it can end up losing value. That’s a rather big problem when you are trying to look towards the future. So, what are the options for people looking to keep their money and investments secure?

Savings Accounts

Although we just dismissed the idea, it is possible to find a good savings account for your money. But, you will need to shop around and speak to the different banks offering this service. Ideally, we also recommend that you do not lock your money away for years. Even if the interest rates seem attractive with the current state of the economy, you will probably find you are lucky if the value remains. Your best bet is to make sure it will gain interest while also allowing you the possibility to move it at regular intervals. That way, you can withdraw the money if you find a better deal or rate elsewhere on the market.

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