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The Most Affordable Insurance Options For Freelancers

There are many benefits to becoming a freelancer. These days, with unemployment high and the stability of the job market uncertain, contract work offers skilled and knowledgeable job seekers the opportunities to ply their trade, even if only for short-term projects. But of course, most freelancers also enjoy the ability to set a flexible schedule, work from home, skip the daily commute of a nine-to-five, and be the boss. Unfortunately, the life of a freelancer also has a downside. You must motivate yourself to get work done and you’ll frequently have to hustle for clients if you want to pay the bills. In addition, although you receive a higher pay rate than you might as a regular employee, you also give up the benefits that most companies afford their full-time staff, including health insurance. This means you’ll have to pay for your own, and it can cost a pretty penny.

Luckily, there are a lot of options out there that freelancers can take advantage of. If you have the cash you can certainly spend it on top-notch policies with big-name providers like Blue Cross and United. But why waste the money when there are far more affordable options to be had? A good place to start your search is at, an online group that caters to all types of freelancers, from writers and lawyers to nannies and other caregivers. In addition to aiding freelancers in necessary tasks like making contracts and finding jobs, they also help you to find all kinds of affordable insurance policies including medical, dental, life, and even retirement plans. They generally aren’t as pricy as straight up personal insurance and they can offer many attractive benefits and options to choose from.

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