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Be Informed Before Donating To Charities

It’s a great idea to donate money to charities; however, it is very important that you do your homework before making a commitment.  Do not let anyone pressure you into making a decision on the spot.  Be sure to tell them to come back or call back later so that you have time to look into the charity further.  You work hard to make money, so you don’t want to give it away to just anyone.  You need to make sure that the charity is legitimate and that they are not wasteful with the donations they receive.

Canadians have a great resource that will aid them in making an informed decision about who to donate to, and where their money goes.  The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website has a section devoted to charities, and it provides Canadians with a user friendly resource for quickly searching and learning about various charities.

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Teach Your Kids About Giving

As a parent, you have a lot of influence on your children’s future behavior.  Whether you like it or not, your children are more than likely going to follow in your footsteps, at least partially, so it’s important that you teach your kids about giving starting at a young age.

Whether you are rich or poor, you need to instill a sense of generosity in your children.  One way would be to have a family meeting every year and take a vote on which charity or organization your family is going to support that year.  By involving your kids and encouraging them to use some of their own money as well, they will feel that they are making a difference in the world.  Feel free to change the charity every year based on the decisions of the family as a whole.

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Do Not Wait Until You Are A Billionaire To Be Generous

Christmas is a time of giving, and it is intriguing to read the various articles that have been written about the famous billionaires who are giving so much of their wealth to charities.  Examples include Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as well as George Lucas.  Bill Gates and Warren Buffet started a Giving Pledge and many billionaires have joined in and the result is extreme generosity.

It just goes to show that if the wealthy are willing to share their wealth with others, the world can definitely be a better place.  After all, they won’t be able to take their money with them so they might as well brighten someone else’s day with it while they can.

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Give Away The Things You Never Use

Every once in a while I go through my drawers and my closet and remove items of clothing that I either never wear or am highly unlikely to ever wear again.  Sometimes I find it hard to part with my things, even though I know I never use them, however, I find that “decluttering” is a great way to make better use of my closet and drawer space, as well as a neat way to help others in need.  And yes, I just made up my own word.  I think the English language needs a word like “decluttering”.

Once I have rounded up all the items of clothing, and possibly some shoes, etc.  I drop them off at a local thrift store.  Someone else might as well make use of them.  This also goes for other miscellaneous items around our house.  About every six months or so we get the urge to do some “Spring cleaning”, and you would be surprised at how many things we discover we have that were hidden away and never used.

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Thoughts on “Regifting” – Is It Ever Appropriate?

what are your thoughts on regifting?I would be a hypocrite if I said I had never carried out the act of “regifting”.   I think most people have done it at least once in their lifetime, even if they won’t admit to it.  There is a time and a place for it, but you need to be mindful that you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.  Some people are really open about the fact that they “regift”.  I’ve had people wrap up a novel and give it to me as a gift after they had read it.  It didn’t really bother me.  I just found it amusing that they actually told me about it.  If they hadn’t, I would have never known.

Let’s face it.  Sometimes we do receive gifts that we know we will never use.  Rather than have them sit in the closet to collect dust, it only makes sense to give them away to someone who will make good use of them.  That being said, I don’t recommend “regifting” anything of sentimental value.  Even if you won’t use it, it’s better to hang onto it rather than risk the chance of hurting someone you love.

There are some definite advantages to “regifting”.  For one, you decrease the amount of clutter in your home.  Secondly,  you aren’t wasting good gifts.  Just because you will never use it, doesn’t mean someone else won’t love it.  Thirdly, you will save both money and time by “regifting”.

The most important thing to take note of is who gave you the gift.  You don’t want to end up giving it away a few years down the road to the same person who gave it to you!  If you do plan to “regift”, it’s better to do it right away so you won’t run the risk of making that mistake.

“Regifting” certainly isn’t for everyone.  For those who are uncomfortable with the concept, an alternative is to give away the items without wrapping them and making them seem like a gift.  It all boils down to your comfort level.  With the exception of pack rats, I would imagine that most people would be at least somewhat comfortable in “regifting” at least once in their life.