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go green

Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money By Recycling

Recycling has become not just important, but necessary in our time. This is true not only with regard to protecting the environment, but also to ease the economy.  There are many ways in which buyers can save money by recycling. Below are a number of ways to shop economically through recycling.

Exchange Old Goods 

Exchanging old goods not only reduces the load rising in landfills, but also offers a means for old items to be used again, even in new ways. This trade-in practice involves materials, including clothes and blankets, as well as many other items, such as cardboard, wood, metals, glass, plastic and paper. Recycling centers in every area offer payback for an exchange of certain materials. Metal and plastic are common, such as milk jugs and coffee or soup cans. Some computer or appliance stores offer discounts to consumers who trade in old equipment. This effort minimizes the accumulation of garbage and cuts down on new purchases that are already expensive and continue to rise in cost.

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How To Go Green And Save Money On Your Bills

With fuel prices going up faster and faster we’re all eager to save some cash on our bills right? The more we can save the more cash we can keep in our pockets.

Well you know all of that going green stuff that you feel like you should be doing? Turns out that by doing your bit for the environment you can save money too. Here are a few tips for little changes and big ones that can save you money without costing the earth, so to speak!

Gradually Reduce The Temperature On The Thermostat

I’m going to bet that if you lowered the thermostat by just 1 degree you wouldn’t really notice the difference; in fact I dare you to try it! You will certainly notice the difference on your heating bill.

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How Going Green Will Actually Save You Money

Many people think that if you and your family decide to make green choices you will end up spending more money.  And in some ways that’s true.  For instance, if you insist on buying only organic produce in the grocery store and not at more affordable places such as farmer’s markets, then yes, you will spend a lot more on groceries.

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