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gym fees

Health & Beauty

Cutting Cost And Cutting Fat – How To Get A Discounted Gym Membership

Getting Fit—It’s one of the major new year’s resolutions most American’s have added on their list of things they’d like to achieve in 2012. But getting into shape doesn’t come cheap. Unless you already have a nifty home-gym installed in a spare room, you’ll most likely need to get a gym membership. But after all of the fees are accrued, you can end up spending a wide sum of cash just to get that slim waste. But luckily there are a few ways you may be able to cut back on gym membership prices to get the body you want. To learn how, read the few tips below.

Learn to be A Negotiator. One of the easiest ways to get a gym rep to give you a membership price within your budget is to simply ask for it. Don’t say—”I only want to pay $20 a month,” rather tell them that another gym offered you a gym membership for a much lower price. They may call your bluff altogether in which case you’ll want to shop around for a more affordable gym anyway; but they may give you your asking price or keep the original price but compensate you in some other way—for example, you may pay a reduced enrollment fee or get to add on another member (like a friend or family member) at a really cheap rate. But since technically the year is new, hopefully you’ll find a gym that is already offering a phenomenal New Year’s Special—some have been seen as low as $10 a month.

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