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home renovations


How To Save Money On Your Historic Home Renovation

home remodeling tipsThere’s no getting around the fact that home renovations can quickly eat up even large budgets. And if you happen to have a historic home, the expenses can quickly skyrocket. Not only are you looking at standard costs for materials and labor, but you must also realize that there could be a lot of issues behind the walls, just waiting to be discovered when you’re working with an older property.  You may even need to invest in a hazmat suit, to prevent exposure to unhealthy chemicals or mold.   If the plumbing, electrical, insulation, and so on are out of date, out of code, or contain hazardous materials (asbestos, for example), you could be looking at major expenses in addition to what you’re already spending. And this is supposing that your home is not on the historical register, which could create a whole other mess of problems should you plan to remodel. But even if you’re working with an older or historic home, there are certainly ways to cut back on expenses when you renovate. Here are a few avenues to explore when it comes to trimming the fat from your budget.

Be realistic when you determine your budget.

First of all, you need to think long and hard about serious renovations that require you to gut rooms or change the interior structure of the home. While you can do some of the demo and hauling on your own in order to cut costs, you’ll have to pay the piper if you tear open a wall and find that asbestos was used as a fire retardant. In most cases you’ll have to get a hazmat team out to remove it at no small expense. Since you may not have any idea about what is going on inside the walls, digging in is a bit like opening Pandora’s Box: all hell could break loose. The point is that you need to carefully consider whether your budget can bear the expense, or at least create a buffer to cover the gap in the event that such issues are uncovered during the course of your remodel.

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5 Easy Ways To Trim Your Home Improvement Costs

There are many reasons why the average homeowner might want to invest in home improvements. If you’re looking to increase the functionality of your home, add aesthetic appeal with something more modern or in keeping with your personal style, and/or boost the resale value, home improvements are a great way to accomplish all of your goals, especially if you put some time, effort, and thought into the planning process so that you can select the best projects. However, most home upgrades of value are not going to come cheap. And if you’re working with a budget, you might find that you have to compromise in order to get what you want at a price you can afford. Luckily, there are ways to trim costs that won’t require you to take an all-or-nothing approach to your upgrades. Here are a few tips to try.

Get bids. Like any type of cohome improvement tips to save you moneynsumer purchase, it’s in your best interest to engage in comparison shopping where your contractor is concerned. You should, of course, have a budget in mind for your project. Some contractors may tell you that it is insufficient while others promise you the moon at your price. But what you want to look for is a contractor that tells you what you can reasonably afford with the money you have, that warns you there could be overages should any unseen problems arise once the project begins (such as issues with inspectors, city codes, or elements of your home interior like plumbing or electrical), and that lets you know how you can save money throughout the process.

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5 Great Home Improvement Projects Under $5000

home improvement ideas for less than 5kOne thing about owning a house is that you are the one who is responsible for paying the price that comes with making all of the home improvements. And so, in between paying a mortgage, keeping up with the utility bills and caring for all of your house’s maintenance needs, we totally understand why you would look for how to spend as little money as possible on major home improvement projects. We did a bit of searching around for you and have provided five projects that you can get done for under $5,000.  Here goes:

Landscaping. Before someone even begins to set foot into your house, they will notice your lawn. That’s why, especially during the spring and summer months, it’s important to have some landscaping work done. This doesn’t just consist of mowing the lawn, but also trimming hedges and bushes, planting flowers, installing a water feature (if you would like)—in general, coming up with an overall landscaping design for your front and backyard to last you year round. A thorough job will run you approximately $4,000.

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5 Easy And Low Cost Home Upgrades

home renovation tipsWhen it comes to selecting home improvement projects, you might be worried not only about the expense and difficulty involved, but also the potential for return on investment. After all, you don’t want to sink a ton of money into your property with no hope of getting it back. Even if you stand to enjoy your upgrades for a few years to come, you have to seriously consider how much that satisfaction is worth to you. For example, knocking down a wall between two bedrooms to make one huge living space might please you, but you’ll lose money on resale with a listing that features one less bedroom, and that’s in addition to whatever you spend in the process. Luckily, there are tons of home upgrades that will improve the look of your space for very little cost and effort. And while they may not add to the overall monetary value of your home, they definitely stand to up the ante when it comes to aesthetic appeal.

Color trends. Whether you’re thinking of painting the interior or exterior of your home, you should know that this is one project that you can not only complete on your own for little expense (and with little skill), but it stands to make your house more modern and appealing to the average buyer. The trick is to capture timely trends where color is concerned. Since shades tend to go in and out of fashion fairly quickly (within a few years), it behooves you to update the color palette for both your own enjoyment of the space as well as a means of gaining the interest of buyers.

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Easy And Inexpensive Home Improvement Ideas For The New Year

New Year’s resolutions are difficult to hold for a number of reasons, but if you’ve made the decision to improve your home this year there are plenty of projects you can undertake without breaking your back or the bank. Give your home the makeover it deserves this year by trying out some of these budget-conscious home improvement ideas for the New Year. Transform your home without wreaking havoc on your budget.

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