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5 Simple And Affordable Home Security Options

inexpensive ways to make your home secureWhen it comes to protecting one’s home and family, most people will go to any length to ensure safety and security, even if it means spending a boatload of money. Of course, this may not be necessary if you live in a relatively safe area to begin with, but even those who purchase property in a gated community may worry that their affluence will bring the unwanted attention of unsavory types looking to capitalize on criminal pursuits that include robbery or kidnapping. And while you can certainly shell out the dough to install surveillance cameras and hire a home security force, this really isn’t necessary for the average household. In fact, there are plenty of desirable options for home security that you can implement on your own without spending major money in the process. Here are just a few you’ll want to consider.

Solar powered flood lights. These lighting fixtures attach to the exterior of your home and soak up the energy of the sun throughout the day. At night, they will flare to life whenever motion is detected, flooding the area with light and hopefully scaring off any would-be intruders. The great thing is that they’re not terribly pricy to begin with and they won’t cost you any extra over the long haul because they pull their power from the sun. Of course, limited sunlight in your area could render them useless and sensitive motion detectors might pick up animal movements, but solar powered flood lights are certainly a simple and affordable option to explore.

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