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Money Saving Tips

Slash Costs And Save Money In 4 Key Areas

ways to save moneyAs a mom, I know all about trying to save money when you can. It can be hard, though – there is always something that needs to be bought! However, I love to help people find ways to maximize their budget, and make savings where they can. These are my ideas to help you save on certain areas of your life.

Save on… Online Shopping

Shopping around online can often save you money. It is easier to find competitively priced goods, and you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home. Many of my readers love to shop with coupons and think that they can save money on their purchases by using coupons in high-street stores. For me, it can be a lot of hassle looking for and remembering which coupons I have. I recently used an online program that works in a similar way if you want to shop online. Once you download the programme onto your computer, it will browse the internet for coupons that apply to the website you are on. It will then apply them to your shopping basket, helping you to save money.

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We Broke Our Tradition – No Hotels For Nearly 6 Years!

My husband and I travel every year, usually taking a road trip for at least a couple of weeks at a time.  Right now we are on a more extensive road trip, taking a significant amount of time driving around the United States and Canada.  Until just recently, we managed to avoid staying in any sort of hotel or motel for almost 6 years.

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