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impact of inflation


The Impact Of Inflation On Your Finances

impact of inflationMost of us have heard our grandparents grouse about the high cost of goods these days. We’ve all heard phrases like this one: “In my day a cup of coffee was five cents!” Now we pay as much as $5 for our daily cup o’ joe at Starbucks. Of course, an argument could be made that your Grande Mocha Frappuccino should cost more than a plain cup of coffee, what with all the milk, sugar, and other ingredients added in. But even that plain old coffee will cost you more than $2 today at Starbucks, a pretty big increase from 1950 (when the price of a cup of coffee rose from one nickel to two at automats). And we have inflation to thank for these increases in the cost of goods and services over time. In case you hadn’t noticed, inflation occurs without fail. And it can have a major impact on your finances.

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