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5 Inexpensive Methods To Improve Your Fertility

tips to increase your fertilityIs there anything more miraculous than the birth of a child? And yet, for some who are trying to conceive, getting pregnant can sometimes be extremely challenging. Although most doctors will tell you that you should give it a year of trying to have a baby “the old fashioned way”, before becoming concerned about when you’ll actually conceive, there are some inexpensive methods that you can try in the meantime that will help to improve your chances of fertility.

Have more sex. OK, this one might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how much this tip is overlooked when it comes increasing your chances. If you are fortunate enough to have a regular menstrual cycle, it’s easier to track your ovulation days. However, either way, the more unprotected sex that you have, the greater the odds that you will end up with a fertilized egg. So, whatever the “sex rate” is now, add an extra time or two into the equation.  Also, it’s a good idea to obtain std testing if you suspect that you or your partner may be suffering from an STD.  You don’t want an STD to get in the way of your fertility, and sometimes the only way you can tell is if you get tested to rule out any possible conditions.

Watch your diet. Our diets affect everything about us, including our reproductive systems. As a woman, whole grains support maintaining healthy insulin levels, full-fat dairy products (in moderation) aids in stabilizing ovulation and fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants and folate (two things that a pregnant woman needs a lot of). For men, foods that are loaded with zinc like roast beef, lamb and even dark chocolate and foods high in Vitamin C such as green vegetables, kiwi and citrus fruit all help to keep sperm healthy.

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