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Money Saving Tips

5 Tips To Help Reduce Your Auto Insurance Premium

All of us are on the constant pursuit of finding some solid ways to keep a few dollars in our pocket, right? Well, when it comes to paying monthly bills like your car insurance, while it’s certainly not wise (or legal) to try and get away with not having any, there are definitely some things that you can do to reduce the amount that you are currently paying on your premium without jeopardizing your coverage.

Is that hard to believe? Just check out these five tips and then discuss them with a customer service agent of your insurance company. By the end of the year, you (and your wallet) will be so glad that you did:

Shop around first (then stick with one company). Sometimes finding a great premium price is simply a matter of checking with several different insurance companies to get a variety of quotes. The truth of the matter is that there tends to be identical packages, at different rates, based on the company that you’re speaking with. However, once you do make a selection, try and get all of your insurance policies (auto, homeowner, business liability, etc.) from that one place. Most companies will give you about a ten percent discount just for doing so.

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