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Internet banking


Use Online Banking

Looks like he's having a good day!Most if not all financial institutions now offer a form of online banking; allowing you to pay bills, transfer funds between accounts, and more.  Check to see if your financial institutions charge you any fees related to doing transactions online.  If not, I would highly recommend you take advantage of it.  Online Banking saves you time, energy, and, you guessed it, money.  Paying your bills online will ensure that your bills will be paid quickly without having the chance of your payment getting lost in the mail.  You will save on postage, and you will not have to order more checks.  Simple transactions such as transfers between accounts can now be done with a click of a button rather than having to visit a branch or go to an ATM machine.  An additional benefit is that online banking allows you to check your balance anytime and helps you to track your purchases. Rather than waiting for monthly statements to come in the mail you can be fully aware of what’s happening in your accounts throughout the month. This is a comforting thought considering how much fraud is taking place nowadays.   Give online banking a try.  You won’t regret it.