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Affordable And Fun Indoor Activities For Kids

activities for kidsWhen it is raining, freezing or sweltering outside you may feel like you are trapped in a loony bin with your kids. However having fun activities to do can help cut the boredom and make even indoor play fun. Here are some easy and affordable indoor friendly kid activities for those days you are stuck inside:

Book Poetry – Here is an activity that can change with children’s learning levels. An easy way to make book poetry is with the titles of books. Lay down books to see the titles on their spines and then stack them up to create fun poems. If your kids are older they can also create poetry by cutting out words or phrases from magazines and newspapers to create poems. Or mark over all the words in an article or page except the ones for their poem to create a found poem.

Car Wash – A somewhat messy but fun activity for car obsessed kids is to create a car wash. Use a tray or baking sheet and cover up some toy cars in shaving cream. Give kids a spray bottle and rag to ‘wash the cars’. They can also drive the cars around in the shaving cream to make fun tire tracks. A great sensory activity!

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