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money lending


Things To Consider When Money Lending

things to consider before lending money to family and friendsMost of us have done it at one time or another: lent money to a friend or family member. The loan is usually done in order to help a loved one meet a goal or to take care of a pressing need. We choose money lending because we want to help. Unfortunately, all too often extending a personal loan can lead to a negative situation. Here are a few points to consider when you are faced with the possibility of floating a personal loan to someone you care about.

The thing about money lending is that the recipient obviously does not have the resources at hand to effectively take care of the matter at hand. That is why you have been approached about the personal loan. It is important that you have an informed understanding about the ability of the recipient to be able to repay the loan within a reasonable amount of time. The repayment schedule should be discussed in detail and the terms of repayment should be perfectly clear to both parties. This is done so that the transaction can be done according to perimeters that both you and the recipient feel confident can be met in a timely manner.

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