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money wasters

Money Saving Tips

Avoid Money Wasters

Although I have written blogs about some big money wasters already, I think it’s important to avoid money wastersemphasize them so that we can avoid them.  There’s no point in wasting money that we work hard for.  Think about it this way, if you waste your money, you are also wasting your time.  Why?  Because the more money you waste, the more time you have to spend working to pay for it all!  Below is a list of just some of the money wasters out there.  There are many more, so watch out for them!

 1.  Eating out rather than bringing your own lunch to work.  Bring some leftovers from last night’s supper rather than spending $5 to $7 everyday to buy lunch.

 2.   Buying food and then letting it rot in the fridge.  It happens to all of us.  But why?  We need to be more aware of what we are buying and make sure that we are eating it before it goes bad.

 3.  Bottled water.  Rather than buying hundreds of bottles and polluting our environment, why not save your money and the environment and drink filtered water brought from home?  At around $1.50 a bottle, if you buy one bottle of water every day, you are wasting almost $550 per year! 

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