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How To Negotiate Taxes With The IRS

The people of America have felt the full impact of the financial crisis. Many have had trouble finding money to cover the bills and luxuries to which they’d previously been accustomed. There has also been an increase in the number of redundancies as companies have attempted to keep their costs to a minimum. The government has added to the pressure by making cutbacks and demanding the payment of taxes. However, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has played a key part in enabling people to pay their taxes. They are hoping that the American citizens will take the opportunity to manage their outgoings.

It is now possible to pay taxes in regular installments meaning that people don’t have the worry of having to recover from a huge splurge. They can pay an agreed amount each month however, it is worth bearing in mind that individuals who are unable to keep up with regular payments may not be granted tax relief. They are likely to accrue sizable debts, which must be repaid in the long term.

Details of the IRS Agreement

As previously specified, the IRS agreement details the payment of taxes over a defined period. It is a means of clarification for individuals who may be unsure of their financial responsibilities. A payment schedule is included in the main document for reference by the tax payer. There are also details of the actions which will be taken if payments aren’t made on time. In certain circumstances it may be possible to obtain an offer in compromise. This means that IRS will demand a reduced amount. However, the tax payer must prove that they meet strict criteria if such an agreement is to be made.


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