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Money Saving Tips

5 Ways To Save Money On Newborn Necessities

newborn baby tipsBringing a new baby into the world is an exciting time. However, baby necessities are often extremely expensive and can be a shock to your bank account. Luckily there are many ways to cut down on expenditures and still provide both you and your baby with everything you’ll need. Here are 5 ways to save money on newborn necessities.


It is often instinctual and easier to use traditional diapers for your baby. While this is definitely more convenient, diapers can become extremely expensive. You will constantly have to buy packages of diapers as most newborns go through hundreds of them in a short amount of time. In addition, the use of diapers is harmful to the environment. A great alternative is to use cloth diapers. While these do require more maintenance and time, the benefits are worthwhile. You can reuse diapers, saving lots of money. The extra time you take to wash cloth diapers will be a good trade-off for the money you would have been spending on disposable diapers.

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