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Money Saving Tips

6 Unusual Ways To Save Money

unusual ways to save moneyTake care of your pennies, and pounds will take care of themselves.  – an English proverb.

Over more than 3 years of freelancing, I’ve learned that saving money is essential to getting a sense of security. Below you will find a list of money-saving tactics, which have helped me and which I hope will help you improve your financial situation. They are all simple, and, if combined together, they can save you quite a bit of money already today.

#1. Create a Bank of Discounts.

There’s a lot of power in unity. So how can you capitalize on this truth and join forces to save? One of the ways is to ask your colleagues or friends what discount cards they have and invite them to share. You can create a simple Google Docs document with the cards you all have and share it among yourselves. This way, everyone will have a lot of discounts at once. Such a “bank of discounts” has worked wonders for me.

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