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painting your home


5 Tips For Saving Money On A House Painting Project

how to save money when you paint your homeWhether you’ve finally decided on an accent wall in the living room, you want to repaint your interior for an updated look that features new color trends, or it’s time to address the peeling paint on your home’s exterior, you are probably aware of the fact that such projects do not come without an attendant price tag. Certainly painting is more affordable than remodeling or renovating, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s cheap, especially if you plan on hiring professionals to get the job done for you. However, there are plenty of ways to save where your painting expenses are concerned, and with a little leg work and some common sense on your side you can make the right decision for your home and your budget. Here are just a few tips that will help you to shave dollars off the cost of your house painting project.

DIY. You might not be keen to get up on a ladder and paint the entire exterior of your home, but there are a lot of painting projects you can tackle in order to save some money on labor. For an outside project, for example, you can at least paint the window frames, including storm windows and screens (if applicable). And you can do some prep by masking off windows and doors with tape and plastic so that the painters can get right to work with their brushes, rollers, and airbrushing tools. As for interior jobs, there’s just no reason the average homeowner can’t tackle these instead of shelling out for a professional paint crew.

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