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passive income

Earn Extra Money

5 Tips on Creating A Passive Income

tips for creating passive incomeHave you ever wanted to create a passive income for yourself? You know, the kind of income where once you do the work to get it going, you can sit back and watch the money flow in.  Authors of books enjoy passive income.   Once they go through the grueling task of writing a great book and finding a publisher, they can finally reap the rewards year after year, but they only have to write the book once.

Other examples of a passive income include making money from YouTube views, commissions from affiliate marketing  on your website or blog, and even E-book sales. All of these are great passive income sources and can create so much money for you that you don’t have to work as hard in the future. Think about it, how much would a passive income help you out?

In order to give you a little help I have created 5 tips to get you on your way. These 5 tips will help you create a passive income that you can leave alone and still make money off of.

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Earn Extra Money

Make Some Extra Money By Renting Out A Portion Of Your Home

A great way to make some passive income is to rent out a portion of your home that you are not using. If you have a basement that is nearly empty or a spare bedroom that you seldom use, you may want to consider making it available to a renter.

By renting out a portion of your home, you would be able to make some extra money to supplement your current income, without having to do a lot of work.  Of course, you wouldn’t want to rent out a portion of your home to just anybody.  You would want to find someone you could trust.

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