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personal finance tips


Helpful Advice For Making Wise Financial Decisions

making wise financial decisionsDespite the fact that capitalism is a major part of our daily lives, few of us reach adulthood with the knowledge necessary to make wise financial decisions. If we’re lucky, someone has taught us how to balance a checkbook somewhere along the way. But most people don’t even know how to create and adhere to a basic budget, much less use credit cards appropriately or set up an investment portfolio. In short, it’s no surprise that so many adults find themselves facing a mountain of debt with no real hope of digging themselves out. But you have the capacity to learn the ins and outs of basic personal finance, and you don’t have to wait for the consequences of bad decisions in order to learn your lesson. Here are just a few helpful guidelines that can get you started down the path to making wise financial decisions.

You might want to start by taking a personal finance class. You can often find such offerings at your local community college, adult continuing education center, or even through your community center. In some cases these courses are available online. And the benefit of taking such a course is that you’ll get a broad overview of personal finance, including household expenses, retirement accounts, investments, and more. But you may also have access to specific and practical lessons like how to create your own budget or pay down credit card debt.

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Top Tips For How To Maintain Control Over Your Personal Finance

how to take control of your personal financeIn this tough and uncertain economic climate the average person’s job security is worryingly unstable. Combine this with an ever increasing cost of living that doesn’t truly reflect inflation rates and most of us are having more than one sleepless night worrying about the state of our personal financial affairs. However there are many steps that we can all take to ensure that we remain in personal control over our own finances. This article explores some of the best techniques to accomplish this:

Erase all your existing debt at once if at all possible.

Of course this is not always a possibility. However if you are one of the many people who happily live through their credit card overdraft you should balance that account immediately. Indeed it would be wise to deposit extra funds into any credit card account so you can still make emergency purchases with the card without putting the account into overdraft. This is important because it removes the risk of forgetting or not being able to pay off your outstanding balance at the end of each month, so should you lose your source of income you do not have to be concerned with the late payment penalty fees and the interest on your debt that will continue to gain momentum the longer it is unchecked.

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Keeping An Eye On Your Personal Finances

keep an eye on your personal financesThe majority of us are sticklers for finances at work, but often disregard our personal finance at home. For those who are not accountants, the process of keeping financial records and ensuring all financial items are squared away can be quite boring and often confusing. Instead of ignoring your personal finance until a problem arises, take the initiative today!

The most important aspect of your personal finance is undoubtedly your credit. Your credit score, often a mystical number of much confusion, is critical to your success in the financial realm. Without a respectable credit score, you will be unable to borrow money or obtain a home or vehicle loan. This number can literally hold you back from completing your goals and can severely limit your future.

The credit in your name has a direct bearing on the credit number. Thus people who do not use their credit cards properly and have huge bills running in their names lend a bad streak to their credit. A point to be noted is that it is not the amount you charge but it is the amount that is kept on credit that poses the threat of being harmful. It is important to keep a check on the monthly statement and you should endeavor to pay it in full each month.

In today’s society, identity theft is often a problem. If someone steals your identity, they can wreck your finances, ruin your credit, and tarnish your good name and reputation. In order to prevent identity theft, carefully monitor all your financial statements and safe guard your personal information.

The attitude of most people towards money is spending today and saving later, thus relegating saving for a later part of their life. But this habit catches them unawares in the later part of their life where they get jolted with the rude shocks of a fast approaching retirement date and a non-existent retirement fund. So do not wait for tomorrow, start saving today by putting some portions of your income in the retirement fund account.

One of the best ways to handle the finances is a budget. This is the best way to keep a tab on the finances and keeping the spending in control. When you create a budget you need to make two columns, one meant for the incomes and the second for expenditures. You need to mention all the items of expenditure in the expenses column such as rent or mortgage payment, car payment, insurance, utilities, and food. Whatever is left after deducting all this from the income is the monthly excess that of course can be used in different ways.

It’s a good idea to consult an accountant if you are not sure about setting your personal finance records straight. This person will help you correct any potential problems and ensure nothing goes wrong in the future.

The world of finance is fascinating. There’s no need to be scared of it. Just keep your finances straight and you will be able to build, or rebuild, your credit score.

About the Author

David Neehly is an independent Investment writer for “Investment Finances” at You’ll find all the latest Investment news there.