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rewards credit cards

Credit Cards

Ways To Benefit From Using A Credit Card

the smart way to use your credit cardAre credit cards really that bad? Will you go deep into debt just by using them? Well, it all depends but if you use credit cards right, then you will actually benefit from them. Many credit card users think they are just for emergencies but that is not really the case. The truth is that credit cards can be used for many different things and one of those things will really help you save money and actually come out ahead for using them.  Below are some tips on how to benefit from using a credit card:

Use A Rewards Card – The best part about a rewards card is that they give you things back. For instance, you can get a rewards card that will give you a credit for every dollar you spend. These are the rewards cards that you need as they will give you a reason to spend with them. Just know that when you do use your credit card you need to quickly pay the balance off so that you can keep spending on it. One thing that many smart credit card users do is they pay with their credit card and at the end of the week they will pay that amount off. This works as long as you stick to this plan.

Another great rewards card is an Air Miles card. The best part about an Air Miles card is that they give you miles for every dollar that you spend. For people who would rather travel than have money given back to them, this is the card for you. Just know that some air miles expire after a certain amount of time.

Pay It Off – You will never be able to benefit from a credit card if you always have to worry about a balance on it. It is because of this that you need to pay off your credit card as soon as possible. My advice is to pay off your credit card in the first month before you are charged any interest but if that is not possible, then make sure you pay it off within the first 2 months. If you can’t pay off your credit card within 2 months of making the purchase, then you are spending too much and you need to stop using your credit card and find an alternative method such as using debit or paying with cash for everything.

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Credit Cards

Help With Rewards Credit Cards

Welcome to 2012 everyone! How is your checking account looking with the holidays over? Mine took a hit, but all in all my traveling, gift buying, and family gatherings didn’t hurt too badly. How did I manage to get through this normally expensive time of the year? Aside from budgeting correctly my rewards credit cards helped soften the financial blow of the last month of 2011.

After reflecting on the gifts I bought, the travels I made, and the gatherings I attended here are my reward credit card recommendations for 2012!

The Approach

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Credit Cards

How to Make a Rewards Credit Card Reward You, Not the Company

A rewards credit card can very often represent excellent value and present real benefits to the consumer. However, it is important not to sign up for a credit card based on the reward alone, and it will be important to take two things into consideration.

The first aspect to consider is whether the card itself represents good value in terms of the available limit, the interest rate charged and any fees, in addition to costs that might be incurred for general maintenance of the account. The second aspect to look at is the reward itself, and whether this represents one which best suits your own personal interests, needs and habits.

Very often, reward credit cards work by providing you with points on your account whenever your credit card is used to purchase goods or services from companies which are either subsidiary ones of the credit card company itself, or part of an affiliate network of finance and retail companies and organizations. One typical example many people come across is a credit card, which offers consumers reward points for purchasing fuel from a particular garage or retailer. With a set number of points per litre or per gallon, these points can be accumulated until a specified number have been reached.

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